Parc national du Mercantour
Location picture
Michelin Guide
Natural site
The Michelin Guide's review
The Mercantour National Park was created in 1979 and covers an area of 169 267 acres in the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Since 1987, it has been twinned with the Italian Argentera Nature Park, and both parks share the management of the wildlife, which includes vultures, chamois, ibex and wild sheep, without forgetting the wolves. The Mercantour boasts some 600km of signposted paths (GR 5, GR 52A) ideal for those who want to explore the Vallée des Merveilles, the Authion massif, Le Boréon and Madone de Fenestre on foot.
06450 St-Martin-Vésubie
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