Incidents on the road

  • Roadworks
    SS13, roadworks direction Venezia, between Variante Di Ospedaletto and Gemona - SS512 Del Lago Di Cavazzo
  • Roadworks
    SS13, roadworks direction Venezia, between Gemona - SS512 Del Lago Di Cavazzo and Taboga - SS463 Del Tagliamento
  • Roadworks
    A23, new roadworks layout in both directions, between Gemona-Osoppo and Carnia
  • Roadworks
    A23, roadworks direction Tarvisio, between Gemona-Osoppo and Carnia
  • Roadworks
    SP19(UD), new roadworks layout in both directions, between SS356var-Direzione Cividale del Friuli and SS356-Cividale del Friuli
  • Roadworks
    SP19(UD), new roadworks layout in both directions, between SS356-Cividale del Friuli and SS356var-Direzione Cividale del Friuli
  • Closures and Lane restrictions
    SS463, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Comerzo and Rivoli
  • Roadworks
    SS463, roadworks direction Taboga - SS13 Pontebbana, between Comerzo and Rivoli
  • Closures and Lane restrictions
    SS463, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Comerzo and Rivoli
  • Roadworks
    SS463, roadworks direction Taboga - SS13 Pontebbana, between Comerzo and Rivoli
  • Closures and Lane restrictions
    SS463, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Rivoli and Comerzo
  • Roadworks
    SS463, roadworks direction Portogruaro - SS53 Postumia, between Rivoli and Comerzo
  • Closures and Lane restrictions
    SS463, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Comerzo and Rivoli
  • Roadworks
    SS463, roadworks direction Taboga - SS13 Pontebbana, between Comerzo and Rivoli
  • Route from this place
  • Directions to this place
  • Route via this place
  • Nearby hotels
  • Nearby restaurants