Traffic alerts
Road closed
L66, lane(s) closed direction Frastanz, between L190 and Göfis Hofen
L66, temporary traffic lights in both directions, between L190 and Göfis Hofen
Road closed
L66, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between L190 and Göfis Hofen
Road closed
L66, narrow lanes direction Frastanz, between L190 and Göfis Hofen
Road closed
L66, lane(s) closed direction Feldkirch, between Göfis Hofen and L190
L66, temporary traffic lights in both directions, between Göfis Hofen and L190
Road closed
L66, single alternate line traffic in both directions, between Göfis Hofen and L190
Road closed
L66, narrow lanes direction Feldkirch, between Göfis Hofen and L190